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Get ready for a spooktacular time at the Woodstock Elementary Harvest Carnival!

Join us Friday, October 25th for the Woodstock Elementary School Harvest Carnival! Admission wristbands will be on sale before and after school starting this week.

$15 Admission
$18 Admission & 1 Cake Walk Entry
$5 Cake Walk at the Carnival

Admission includes games, bounce house, activities, and a free cupcake to decorate. Food and drinks will also be for sale. Parents and children 4 and younger are free to attend.

Should you need financial assistance, please reach out to Mr. Ponny (pkosmas@pps.net / (503) 916-6380)

10 月 25 日星期五,加入我们,参加伍德斯托克小学丰收嘉年华!

预售票 $15
当日门票 $18
蛋糕之路门票 $5

成人和 5 岁以下儿童免费. 门票包括游戏、弹跳屋、制作工艺品、鬼屋和装饰纸杯蛋糕! 我们将出售披萨、甜点和饮料.

如果您想申请助学金,请联系Kosmas 先生 (pkosmas@pps.net / (503)916-6380)

This event is not only a thrilling experience for kids and parents, but it’s also one of the PTA’s most important fundraisers. Every dollar spent at the carnival goes to the PTA, benefiting Woodstock Elementary students and staff.

We need your help to make this event a success! Consider volunteering before, during, or after the carnival. There are plenty of ways to get involved, from decorating and donating baked goods to helping with games and activities, as well as setup and clean up.

So please sign up here and get involved, because volunteering doesn’t have to be scary!